{{#vardefine: docpage_link|Template:Sthl/doc}}
|Template:Error |•
}} about template documentationTemplate:Sthl/doc
Based on https://cosmoteer.wiki.gg/wiki/Template:Sthl <templatedata> { "params": { "1": { "label": "Content", "type": "content", "required": true, "description": "The content to display. 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A language must be specified for this to work. Set to 0 to disable, set to any other value to enable." }, "start": { "suggested": true, "label": "Starting line", "type": "number", "description": "The line to start counting from. \"Enable lines\" must be set for this to work." }, "highlight": { "suggested": true, "label": "Highlight lines", "type": "string", "description": "A list of lines to highlight, separated by a comma, e.g., \"4\", \"7\". Ranges are also allowed: \"2-5\". Combined: \"4, 7-14\"." }, "inline": { "suggested": true, "aliases": [ "i" ], "label": "Inline", "type": "boolean", "autovalue": "0", "description": "Whether to display the generated inline code block. Disables line numbering." }, "class": { "label": "Class", "type": "string", "description": "Class name to use (?). Might override the default class names." }, "style": { "label": "Style", "type": "content", "description": "Custom CSS styles." }, "mw": { "description": "A shorthand for \"lang=mediawiki\". If set, overrides \"Code Language\" parameter. Set to any value other than 0 to enable.", "type": "boolean", "autovalue": "0", "suggested": true, "label": "Force \"Mediawiki\" language" } }, "description": "A template version of <syntaxhighlight> (with a few additions and limitations). One of biggest differences is that the content you pass is expanded, meaning if you wish to pass a template expression, wrap it in <nowiki> tag first. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SyntaxHighlight for details on <syntaxhighlight>, see the params and their description for changes. The name of this template comes from \"SynTax HighLight\".", "paramOrder": [ "1", "mw", "lang", "inline", "line", "highlight", "start", "class", "style" ] } </templatedata>