
From Funky Station
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Access: Janitor, Maintenance, Service
Difficulty: Easy
Duties: Clean up the station.
Supervisors: Head of Personnel
Subordinates: None
Guides: No guides, only lame.

As Janitor, it is your job to keep the station clean as can be. Your duties are to mop the floors, clear the trash / junk and replace broken lights. It is your job to scrub away any undesirable graffiti from the floors. It is also your role to silently point at the wet floor sign and quietly laugh every time someone slips.

Beware being lured into dark rooms or alleyways by a colleague requesting help. For messes visible from the corridor to places you don't have access to, stand mutely and point at the mess until they embarrassedly let you in. For high security areas, make a positive impression by requesting trash through a window and lending them your mop if you see a mess.

As janitor, you'll likely be requested often by Medical and Chef staff. Blood and vomit will steadily increase in their departments. Science will likely need you too but are often too busy experimenting to notice their mess or remember to let you out. Remember to use the Radio to work closely with the crew.

When starting, consider finding a crowbar and possibly a wirecutter (to be able to let yourself out of obscure locations when the power goes out or the Science team forget about you). Your first, second and third option to escape a room that you've cleaned should be to say 'Excuse me' and hope they notice and feel sorry for you.

If you are having trouble mopping large amounts of liquid (like a blood filled Chef kitchen), consider trying Space Cleaner. You can request a Chemist or Science team to refill your Space Cleaner Spray Cans. They may ask you to first half fill it with water. Note that blood will still need to be mopped up rather than sprayed at.

Item Repurposing

The lazy and nuisance Janitor dumps everything that is on the floor into a bin and asks science for cleanbots. Consider sending objects to where they can be used.

  • Dead mice or animals can be cooked by a Chef, sold by Cargo or recycled into biomass by Medical.
  • Raw food ingredients can be used by a Chef.
  • Glass / Cloth / Plastic / Steel / Gold / Wood can be used by the Science or Engineering department, or it can be sold / distributed by Cargo.
  • Empty cans, wrapping paper, matches, plants, chairs, clothes, plushies, etc can be sold by Cargo.

You can also reroute disposals to your department so it is easier to manage, though you may want to talk to someone in Engineering before doing so.


Image Name Description
Mop bucket Pull with you by pressing CTRL + Left click. Make sure it's full of water before heading out for cleaning duty. When all the clean water in it gets dirty, drag it to a Drain, Left click on the Mop Bucket and continuing to hold the left mouse button, drag it's ghost image over the Drain. You can then refill it at a water tank, sink, or water cooler using a blue Bucket or other small container to transfer water. In a desperate survival situation, under the effect of mind altering chemicals or if you just REALLY can't find a Drain, you can also drink the contents (ewww!) and potentially contract any diseases your colleagues have vomited / bled out.
Janitorial Trolley Comes with a built-in mop bucket that holds more water, and your mop, bucket, and trash bag can be stashed on it with Alt + Interact. It also has ample room for transporting cleaning supplies or contraband. However, since it is larger than a mop bucket, it's harder to navigate in tight spaces, and slows you down more.
Mop Used to clean floor puddles or bludgeon hostile xenofauna. Left click on a mop bucket to wet the mop with water. Then, left click on a puddle one or more times until it is replaced with clean water, which will soon evaporate on its own. Once the water in the mop's Liquid Bar at the bottom of the UI is completely replaced by whatever foul mess you are cleaning up, click on the mop bucket again to wring and re-water the mop. If your mop won't drain water from the Mop Bucket, it's time to go and replace the water in the mop bucket. Or you can try spilling clean water from a blue bucket directly onto a large mess to dilute it.

If the clown dares to get in your way, you can wield the mop two-handed to be instantly more intimidating, by pressing Z.

Bucket Used for transferring water to Mop Buckets and cleaning up big messes. Holding the bucket, click on a water source multiple times until the bucket is full, then click on the Mop Bucket multiple times until empty. It will take multiple Buckets of water to fill an empty Mop Bucket. To use on the floor directly, fill the Bucket with water, stand in the center of the mess, then right click on the Bucket and choose Spill Liquid.
Trash Bag Left click on the ground in front of a mess (of bullets, or whatever else) to vacuum it into the bag. Hold left click for piles of mess. Many objects will not be able to be put into the bag ranging from unopen soda cans, plushies, cigarette lighters. For large junk like plushies / toys / clothes, you will need to manually put them into a Disposal by hand.
Soap Can be mixed with water to remove dirt from tiles on contact.
Space Cleaner Used for a graffiti/floor grime. Spray to clean several tiles, it's magic. For fancy floor artwork with a mime standing nearby, contemplate whether you really want to risk causing a scene by erasing their picture.
Wet floor sign Remember to point at it every time someone slips.
Holographic Sign Projector Creates a temporary holographic wet floor signFile:Wetfloorholo.png. Powered by power cells.
Galoshes Prevents the wearer from slipping.
Mouse Trap Used to lure and kill mice / rats. Unset mice traps do nothing. Hold one in your hand and press the Interact hotkey in order to activate/deactivate it. Cheese / bait not required. You can throw an activated mouse trap at a mouse to kill it.
File:Janicart.png Janicart Allows you to increase your movement speed and holds a Trash Bag. Requires a Janicart Key to be placed inside of it before it will move. Left click to activate it after it has keys inside. Use caution when operating and remove key when not in use to prevent theft. Mops, Trash Bags, and Spray Bottles can be used while riding the Janicart.
Light Replacer Insert a light bulb into this. Left click this onto a broken light bulb in order to replace it.
File:Light bulb box.png Light Bulb Used to replace broken light bulbs.
File:Lighttube box.png Light Tube Used to replace broken light tubes.
Flashlight Press E to turn it on. Put it in your pocket for ease-of-use. It is much brighter than your PDA light. Remember to turn it off when finished otherwise the battery will run out. The battery remaining is shown above the item as green bars. The battery can be changed by holding a new battery (e.g. Medium Power Cell) in your active hand and left clicking on the flashlight.
Advanced Mop An advanced version of the mop that self cleans and refills itself with water. Is Researched by Science.

Getting Supplies

A Janitor's Closet should be your first stop. If the closet is missing required objects, here is a reference on where to go to ask for replacements:

  • Science - Request a Mop / Bucket / Power cell (battery for flashlight) / Spray bottle / Flashlight. Science can also research an advanced mop, which cleans spills faster and automatically cleans itself/creates water.
  • Chemistry / Science - Request Space Cleaner to be made at a ChemDispenser. You may need to supply a container such as a bucket or spray bottle half full of water.
  • Hydroponics - Request Water for your Bucket