Special Recipes

From Funky Station
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In this page you'll find how to get items and reagents which are not available in the crafting menu or secret recipes that have a more strange approach. (Things NT doesn't want you to know)

Product Method Description
Cloth Butchering clothing items Cloth is used to make blindfolds
Demons blood File:Syringe.png Draw blood from Cerberus (Chaplain's devil dog) Demons blood is used to cure Bleeder's bite disease.
Fiber File:Grinder.png Juice a piece of cloth Fiber is used in Buzzochloric Bees recipe.
Ground Bee File:Grinder.png Grind a bee plushie Ground Bee is used in Buzzochloric Bees recipe.
Licoxide File:Grinder.png Grind a power cell Electrifying toxin
Omnizine File:Microwave.png Make Nettle Soup. Throw soup on the floor, mop it, and separate Omnizine from the rest of the reagents. Very powerful medicine.
Pulped Banana Peel File:Grinder.png Grind a banana peel Useful for stopping bleeding.
Saxoite File:Grinder.png Grind a saxophone Saxoite is used in Buzzochloric Bees recipe.
Wood Plank Saw or cut down some logs Planks are used in crafting recipes such as wood tables or baseball bats.